Ledger Report
The Ledger Report displays the following transactions for a specific patient or account on a specified date or within a specified date range:
Procedures, claims, payments, and adjustments
Procedures only
To generate the Ledger Report
While viewing a patient's record, on the Patient menu, under Financial, click (or tap) Ledger Report.
The Ledger Report dialog box appears.
Set up the following options:
Date Range - Select one of the following options:
Today - To include ledger entries with service dates (transaction dates) on the current date.
Year to Date - To include ledger entries with service dates (transaction dates) since the beginning of the current calendar year.
Last Year - To include ledger entries with service dates (transaction dates) within the previous calendar year.
Specific Date - To include ledger entries with service dates (transaction dates) on a specific date. The current date is entered by default, but you can change the date as needed.
From / to - To include an account's transactions with service dates (transaction dates) within a specific date range. The current date is entered for the range by default, but you can change the starting and ending dates as needed.
The report will include only the current version of transactions. The report will not include transaction history or cancellations.
On the report, a balance forward amount will appear for the patient or account's balance up to the specified date.
Report Type - Select one of the following options:
Guarantor - To include ledger entries for the current patient, all patients who have the same guarantor as the current patient, and the guarantor (if not the current patient).
Patient Only - To include ledger entries for only the current patient. This option is not available if the patient is the guarantor for only himself or herself (the Guarantor option will be used).
Include Payments/Adjustments - By default, this checkbox is selected, so the report will include procedures, claims, payments, and adjustments. To have the report include only procedures, clear this checkbox.
Click (or tap) Print.
A .pdf file of the report appears on a new browser tab so you can download or print it.
Note: A patient connection for the report is not added to any patient's or guarantor's record.