Insights reports

The Insights reports are a collection of reports that are important for monitoring the financial health of your practice.

Note: The Insights reports include standard Dentrix Ascend reports (which are available on the Home menu), Power Reports (which are available through the Power Reporting option on the Home menu), and the Patient Health Report.

To view the Insights reports

  1. On the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Insights.

    The Insights page opens.

    Note: The reports are grouped by various aspects of running a practice (such as production and schedule optimization), so you can easily identify which reports to generate based on the type of data that is desired.

    Additionally, the following details appear:

    • For Active Patients in Recare, the bar graph displays the number of patients who are actively participating in prophy recare in the current location and the number of patients who are not. The report includes patients who have been seen in the past 18 months.

    • For Outstanding Claims, the number of outstanding claims and the amount billed for those claims appear. The report uses the service date of the procedures on a claim to determine if that claim is outstanding and to calculate the aged totals.

    • For Patients & Production by Referral Type - Chart, referral production statistics in the current location for the past 12 months appear. The table displays the number of new patients (patients who have a first visit date in the past 12 months) who were referred to your practice and the resulting production amount.

    • For Patient Health, health statistics in the current location for the past calendar month appear. The table displays the number of evaluations and the number of healthy evaluations, and the link displays the percentage of healthy patients. The report focuses on cavities to determine healthiness.

  2. Click (or tap) a link to view the corresponding report.