Following up with patients after visits
You can use the Patient Follow-up List to contact patients and follow up with them after their treatments. Appointments with the Needs Follow-up option selected appear in the Needs Follow-up section of the Patient Follow-up page until they are marked as having been followed up with from the Patient Follow-up page. This page also lists the appointments for patients who have been followed up with in the past seven days.
To follow up with patients
On the Schedule menu, click (or tap) Patient Follow-up.
The Patient Follow-up page opens. The Needs Follow-Up tab is selected by default.
By default, the Needs Follow-Up tab lists appointments for the past 30 days. To change the date range, click (or tap) in the Period box, and then select Last 30 Days, Last 4 Months, or Custom Range (select a start and end date, and then click, or tap, Done).
Appointments are grouped by date and then listed in chronological order, but you can sort the list by any of the column headers by clicking (or tapping) a header.
You can view appointments for specific providers by selecting the desired providers from the View menu.
A patient's appointment appears on the Outstanding or Received tab according to the status of the attached lab case.
On the Needs Follow-Up tab, as you go down the list of appointments, use the phone number displayed to contact each patient, and then click (or tap) Complete next to the appointments for patients who you are able to follow up with.
Note: Clicking (or tapping) Complete moves the corresponding appointment to the Complete (Last 7 days) tab if the date of that appointment is within the past seven days.
You can click (or tap) the time link of any appointment to go to that appointment on the schedule.
You can click (or tap) the patient name link of any appointment to go to the Overview page of that patient's record on the Patient tab.
If you need to move an appointment (as long as its date is within the past seven days) back to the Needs Follow-up tab, on the Complete (Last 7 days) tab, click (or tap) Needs Follow-up next to that appointment.