Deleting fee schedules

You can delete a fee schedule only if it is not selected as the preferred fee schedule for any providers, insurance plans, patients, or locations. You can also delete any of a fee schedule's versions. Deleting a fee schedule or a version of one does not affect procedures that have already been billed and/or submitted to insurance.

To delete a fee schedule

  1. On the Settings menu, under Production, click (or tap) Fee Schedules.

    The Fee Schedules page opens.

    Note: To search for a fee schedule, begin typing part of the name of a fee schedule in the Search for Fee Schedule box, and continue typing as needed to narrow down the list.

  2. Select a fee schedule.

    The options for editing the fee schedule become available.

  3. If the fee schedule has multiple versions, and you want to delete a specific version of the fee schedule, select that version from the Fee schedule version list. This list is available only if the fee schedule has multiple versions.

  4. Click (or tap) Delete.

    One of the following occurs:

    • If the fee schedule has multiple versions, the Delete Fee Schedule message appears.

    • If the fee schedule does not have multiple versions, a confirmation message appears.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • If the fee schedule has multiple versions, to delete the selected version, click (or tap) Delete Selected Version.

    • If the fee schedule has multiple versions, to delete the entire fee schedule, click (or tap) Delete Entire Fee Schedule.

    • If the fee schedule does not have multiple versions, click (or tap) Delete.

    If you are attempting to delete a fee schedule that is linked to a provider, insurance plan, patient, or location, an error message appears, and the Associations tab for the fee schedule becomes selected automatically.


    • Click (or tap) a category (Locations, Insurance Plans, Providers, or Patients) or the Expand All link to view the associations.

    • You must remove all associations before you can delete the fee schedule.

    • You cannot remove associations from this page. You must do so by going to the source of the association (for example, a provider's user account) and removing or changing the selected fee schedule for that source.