DEXIS Titanium Sensor Setup Guide

This guide describes the installation and setup of the DEXIS Titanium intraoral sensor for use with Dentrix Ascend Imaging via the DTX Studio Bridge.


Dentrix Ascend Imaging supports the acquisition of intraoral images from the DEXIS Titanium intraoral X-ray sensor on a computer running the Windows operating system.

Note: Prior to the installation of the DEXIS sensor, the acquisition agent application must be installed on each computer that will acquire images. Refer to Setting up the acquisition agent for instructions on downloading and installing the acquisition agent.

Minimum versions

  • Acquisition agent v1.2.6911.29786

  • DTX Studio Bridge v1.2.2.2


To install DTX Studio Bridge, do the following:

  1. Download the DTX Studio Bridge installer (the installer and authorization code are available from KaVo).

  2. Double-click the DTX Studio Bridge installer icon.

    Note: If User Account Control prompts you to confirm that you want to proceed, click Yes.

    The DTX Studio Bridge - InstallShield Wizard starts.

  3. Click Install.

    The Welcome screen appears.

  4. Click Next.

    The License Agreement screen appears.

  5. Select the I accept the terms in the license agreement option, and then click Next.

    The Destination Folder screen appears.

  6. Verify that the location where you want to install DTX Studio Bridge is correct. To select a different location, click Change.

  7. Click Next.

    The Ready to Install the Program screen appears.

  8. Click Install.

    When the installation is complete, the Completed screen appears.

  9. Click Finish.

    The DTX Studio Bridge Configuration Wizard starts.

  10. Select the I accept the terms in the license agreement option, and then click Next.

    The screen to enter the installation key appears.

  11. Enter the Installation key, and then click Next.

    The screen to select the working folder appears.

  12. Verify that the location of the Working folder is correct. All data will be stored in the specified folder. To select a different folder, click Browse.

  13. Click Next.

    When the installation is complete, the Installation successful screen appears.

  14. Click Finish.

  15. Connect the Titanium sensor, and the calibration files will download automatically. Click the DTX Studio Bridge icon in the system tray. When the Titanium sensor is ready to use, a green dot appears, and the sensor's status is "Connected."

Binning Modes

You can enable or disable binning with the DEXIS Platinum sensor. Do the following:

  1. Click the DTX Studio Bridge icon in the system tray, click the 3 dots next to the DEXIS Titanium device, and then select Device settings.

    The Device Settings dialog box appears.

  2. To change the binning mode, select one of the following options from the Sensor resolution list: High (binned) or Super High (unbinned).

  3. Click OK.

  4. Close DTX Studio Bridge by selecting Close application on the settings menu (gear icon), and then restart it for the change to take effect.


The DEXIS Titanium Sensor is now functional in Dentrix Ascend Imaging. To acquire a test image, do the following:

  1. In the Imaging Procedures list, select Bitewing Single Image.

  2. Select any teeth for the test.

  3. On the Acquisition Method for this imaging exam menu, select DEXIS Platinum/Titanium/KaVo IXS.

  4. Click Proceed with Acquisition.

  5. Acquire an image using the DEXIS Titanium sensor.

    Note: If an error appears, try restarting the computer to correct the issue.

  6. Click Finish Acquisition.


DTX Studio Bridge app

If the sensor is not working through the DTX Studio Bridge integration, verify that the DTX Studio Bridge app is running by looking in the system tray and clicking on the DTX Studio Bridge icon. If the app is not running, start the app. If the sensor is not shown, make sure the sensor is connected and appears in the Device Manager (see the "Device Manager" troubleshooting steps). If the sensor is shown, but its status is not "Connected," either wait for the calibration files to be installed, or see the "Device reservations" troubleshooting steps depending on the status of the sensor.

Device Manager

Make sure that the Titanium sensor is detected by the computer. Open Device Manager, and then verify that the device appears.

Acquisition agent settings

Close the acquisition agent app, and then verify that the DexisForcePlatinumFallback option is set to False in the Acquisition Agent.ini file (the default location of the file is C:\Program Files (x86)\Acquisition Agent\Acquisition Agent.ini).

Note: Any changes you make to the Acquisition Agent.ini file must be made while the acquisition agent app is not running; otherwise, the changes will not be saved.

Then, try restarting the computer to correct the issue.

Device reservations

If the sensor's status is "Busy" in the DTX Studio Bridge app, but the sensor is not currently in use, the sensor might be reserved from a previous acquisition that was not properly canceled.

Browse to C:\DTX Studio Bridge\Devices\Reservations, and then delete any .data files that are present.

Unplug and re-plug the sensor, and then verify that sensor's status is "Connected" in the DTX Studio Bridge app.