Customizing shareable clinical note templates
As needed, you can customize clinical note templates in your organization's shareable set.
Customizing shareable clinical note templates requires the "Manage Shareable Set" security right. To help prevent unwanted changes to these master templates, you may want to restrict who is granted the "Manage Shareable Set" security right.
When entering or editing a patient's clinical note while logged in to a given location, a person has access to only that location's clinical note templates and his or her own favorite clinical note templates.
To customize a shareable clinical note template
While viewing any location, on the Settings menu, under Patient Care, select Clinical Note Templates.
The Clinical Note Template Setup page opens.
Select the Shareable Set tab.
Select a clinical note template.
The options for editing the clinical note template appear.
Change the name and/or category of the template, and then change the note text and quick-picks (prompts) as needed.
Set up the following options:
Template name - Enter a name for the template.
Category - Select one of the pre-defined categories for this template.
Clinical note text - Enter the text of the note, and insert quick-picks as needed.
Quick-picks: A quick-pick allows you to create a clinical note from a template dynamically. When you use a template that has quick-picks to add a clinical note, Dentrix Ascend will show messages that prompt you to enter responses to the specified questions.
Inserting - To insert a quick-pick where the text cursor is positioned, do any of the following:
In the Insert Quick-Pick search box, begin typing to search for one of the pre-defined quick-pick, continue typing as needed to narrow results list, and then select the desired quick-pick.
Use the Ctrl + , (comma) key combination to make a search box appear, begin typing to search for one of the pre-defined quick-picks, continue typing as needed to narrow results list, and then either click (or tap) the desired quick-pick or use the down arrow key to select the desired quick-pick and then press Enter.
To browse for a quick-pick and then insert it, click (or tap) Manage Quick-Picks, select one of the Quick-Picks, and then click (or tap) Insert & Close.
To create a new quick-pick and then insert it, click (or tap) Manage Quick-Picks, click (or tap) Create New, complete the steps to create the quick-pick, and then, with that newly created quick-pick selected, click (or tap) Insert & Close.
Removing - To remove a quick-pick from the note text, click (or tap) that quick-pick's Remove button.
Click (or tap) Save.