Adding recare notes

You can enter information (such as thoughts, progress, and next steps) regarding a patient's recare. You can refer to and update the notes as needed when you communicate or follow up with the patient in the future.

To add a recare note

  1. How to get there

    1. If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.

      Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.

    2. On the Patient menu, under General, click (or tap) Overview.

      The patient's Overview page opens.

    Open a patient's Overview page.

    The Recare box displays the recare types that are attached to that patient's record. For each recare type, a note icon appears in the Note column.

    If the icon is a white notebook with a pencil, there is not a note for the corresponding recare for the patient.

    If the icon is a blue notebook, there is a note for the corresponding recare for the patient.

  2. Click (or tap) the note icon of the recare type that you want to add a note to.

    The Recare Note dialog box appears.

  3. Enter or edit text. To insert today's date where the text cursor is located in the box, click Insert Date.

  4. Click (or tap) Save.

Note: You can also add a recare note when you are attaching or updating a patient's recare and when you are viewing the Recare Management Report.