Adding exceptions for online booking availability

As needed, you can quickly create an exception for the online booking availability of a provider (such as when a hygienist requests a vacation) without having to modify the time blocks of a scheduling template.

To add an exception for online booking availability

  1. On the Schedule menu, click (or tap) Calendar.

    The Calendar page opens.

  2. Navigate to the day or week for which you want to add an exception.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Click (or tap) an open time slot. Then, click (or tap) Create Event on the panel that appears to the right.

    • On the Actions menu, click (or tap) Create Event.

    The Event Information panel opens.

  4. Set up the following options:

    • Title - The title that you want to have appear at the top of the exception.

    • Description - The description that you want to have appear on the exception.

    • Operatory - Select None to make this exception a practice event.

    • Provider - The provider for whom you are creating this exception.

      Note: With None selected, no providers (not all providers) are associated with the event. Currently, you cannot select multiple providers or all providers for a single event. If you are interested in having this functionality, you can submit an enhancement request (on the Help menu, select Request a Feature). For now, if you want an exception for the online booking availability of two or more providers, you must add a separate event for each provider. Additionally, if you want multiple intervals for monthly or weekly recurrences of an event, you must add separate recurring events; for example, to add an availability exception for every first and third Saturday, you must add a recurring event for the first Saturday of every month and a second recurring event for the third Saturday of every month.

  5. Specify the correct Date, and then select the All day Event checkbox.

  6. Click (or tap) Save.

Note: By creating an event in this manner, you add an exception for the online booking availability for a provider on a specific date. The provider will not be available on that date when patients attempt to schedule appointments online.