Adding dependents to a subscriber's insurance plan
You can quickly add dependents to a subscriber's insurance plan without having to open each dependent's patient record individually and attach insurance.
The dependents who you want to add to a subscriber's plan must already have patient records.
Adding dependents requires the "Edit Ins. Plan for Patient" security right.
To add dependents to an insurance plan
Do one of the following:
How to get there
If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.
Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.
On the Patient menu, under General, click (or tap) Overview.
The patient's Overview page opens.
On a subscriber's Overview page, in the Insurance box,click (or tap) an insurance Plan link.
How to get there
If the correct patient is not already selected, use the Patient Search box to access the patient's record.
Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.
On the Patient menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Insurance Information.
The patient's Insurance Information page opens.
On a subscriber's Insurance Information page, click (or tap) an insurance plan.
The options for editing insurance information become available.
Next to Others covered under this plan, click (or tap) Add Dependents.
The Add Dependents dialog box appears and lists patients that are related to the subscriber (the subscriber is a guarantor or a contact person for those patients).
If the patient who you want to add as a dependent to the plan is not listed, in the Patient Search box, begin typing a patient's name, continue typing as needed to narrow the search results list, and then select a patient. Repeat this step for any other patients who you want to add to the list.
Note: Note: You can include inactive patients in the search results by setting the Include inactive patients switch to On.
The selected patients appear in the list below the search box with the Projected Coverage Type (primary, secondary, or tertiary) for each dependent displayed.
For each dependent, select that patient's Relationship to the subscriber (Spouse, Child, or Other).
Select the Add checkbox of each dependent.
Note: The Add checkbox is selected automatically if you select a patient using the Patient Search box.
Click (or tap) Save.
Click (or tap) Save.