You can void credit payments in Dentrix Pay — essentially canceling the payment — up until 10:00 pm (local time) on the date the payment was processed.
Watch this video to learn how to void credit payments that were processed with Dentrix Pay. (Duration 0:32)
Key Information
Credit card voids can be processed up until 10 pm on the same date as the original payment. After 10 pm, the payment is "settled" with Worldpay (the merchant account). However, the payment can be refunded after 10 pm and any day thereafter.
A "void" applies an offsetting adjustment to the original payment. Thus, the original payment and the adjustment remain in the Ledger as proof of both transactions.
If you attempt to delete a Dentrix Pay voided transaction from the Ledger, you will be warned that deleting removes the transaction from the Ledger, but it does not cancel the actual processing of the voided transaction with Worldpay. Also, if you delete the voided transaction, it no longer exists in the Ledger, which skews the Ledger's balance, and you can no longer print receipts for it.
Dentrix Pay will only void the exact total amount of the initial payment. In addition, if the initial payment was split among family members and/or providers, adjustments are made accordingly for the family members and/or providers, respectively.
You cannot void a credit payment that was processed with a "saved" credit card; however, you can refund the payment any day after 10 pm of its initial payment.
Voids cannot be processed for debit payments, as the money is transferred immediately from the card to the practice when the payment is processed. However, the debit can be refunded any time thereafter.
For Dentrix versions G7.2 to G7.4, you must use a workstation with a connected PINpad to process the void. For newer versions (G7.4.5+), you do not need a PINpad to process the void.
If you selected the wrong adjustment type for the voided amount in the Ledger, double-click the adjustment, select the correct adjustment type, and click OK.
For convenience with reports, you may want to create a specific adjustment type for voids/refunds, such as + Credit Card Void/Refund. To do so, open the Office Manager, click Maintenance > Practice Setup > Definitions > Adjustment Types, enter the new adjustment type, then click Close.