You can reschedule broken appointments by using the Unscheduled List or by selecting the patient.
To reschedule an appointment from the Unscheduled List
1. In the Appointment Book, click Appt List.
The Appointment List window appears.
2. Click the Select List down arrow, and then select Unscheduled.
3. Double-click the appointment that you want to reschedule.
The Appointment Information dialog box appears.
4. Type the date, time, and operatory that you want to assign to the appointment in the appropriate fields.
· To search for a date and time, click Find, type search criteria, and click Search. Select the date and time you want, and then click OK.
· To move an appointment to the Pinboard, click Pinboard. Find an available date and time, and then drag the appointment to that time and operatory. When prompted, click Yes to move the appointment from the Pinboard.
5. When you have finished making changes, click OK.