Merging a Quick Letter

You can merge Quick Letters using Microsoft Word.

Note: For information regarding supported versions of Microsoft Word, please refer to the current Dentrix System Requirements available in the Dentrix Resource Center.

To merge a Quick Letter

1.   From any Dentrix module except the Office Manager, select a patient.

2.   From the module's toolbar, click the Quick Letters button.

The Quick Letters dialog box appears.


3.   From the list, select the letter that you want to merge:

·        Address on envelope (form feed) - Creates an envelope for the selected patient.

·        Appointment Super Bill - Creates a detailed receipt for the patient to send to their insurance company.

·        Blank Letter Form - Creates a blank letter for the selected patient with the patient’s name, address and greeting pre-written.

·        Collection Notification - Creates a 90 Day Past Due letter for the selected patient.

·        Congratulations - Graduation - Creates a congratulations letter for a new graduate.

·        Congratulations - Marriage - Creates a congratulations letter for a newly married patient.

·        Congratulations - New Baby - Creates a congratulations letter for a new parent.

·        Internet Communications Consent - Creates a letter granting consent to communicate with a patient over the internet.

·        New Patient Welcome - Creates a welcome letter for new patients.

·        Patient Information - Consent - Creates a patient information form with some patient information pre-entered.

·        Referred by Doctor - Creates a thank you letter for a doctor who referred the patient.

·        Referred by Patient - Creates a thank you letter for a patient who referred the selected patient.

·        Referred to Dr./Specialist - Creates a referral information letter for the doctor to whom the selected patient has been referred.

4.   Do one of the following:

·        To create and print the letter without reviewing it, click Print. Word opens, merges the letter, prints the letter, and then closes the letter.

·        To create and review the letter prior to printing it, click Build/View. Word opens and merges the letter. Once the letter has been successfully merged, make any changes and then click Print.

5.   After the letter has printed, close it.

A message appears asking if you want to save the changes. Click No. (If you click Yes, all merge information will be lost.)

6.   Exit Microsoft Word.

7.   Repeat steps 1 - 6 for any other patients who need letters.

Note: After the letter prints,an entry is automatically added to the Office Journal indicating that a letter was sent to the patient.