Using provider ID codes you can assign multiple insurance IDs to a provider. If a provider has a specific ID associated with an insurance company, enter the ID here. The ID will, then, be available for selection in the Provider ID Setup dialog box, which is accessed from the Provider Information or Insurance Information window. Dentrix comes with the following codes:
1: 0BState License Number 2: 1ABlue Cross Provider Number 3: 1BBlue Shield Provider Number 4: 1CMedicare Provider Number 5: 1DMedicaid Provider Number 6: 1EDentist License Number 7: 1GProvider UPIN Number 8: 1HCHAMPUS Identification Number |
9: 1JFacility ID Number 10: 24Employer’s Identification Number 11: 34Social Security Number 12: B3Preferred Provider Organization Number 13: BQHealth Maintenance Organization Code Number 14: E1Employer’s Identification Number 15: FHClinic Number 16: G2Provider Commercial Number |
17: G5Provider Site Number 18: LULocation Number 19: N5Provider Plan Network Identification Number 20: SYSocial Security Number 21: TJFederal Taxpayer’s Identification Number 22: U3Unique Supplier Identification Number (USIN) 23: X5State Industrial Accident Provider Number 24: XXNational Provider Number |
To customize provider ID codes
1. In the Office Manager, click Maintenance, point to Practice Setup, and then click Definitions.
The Practice Definitions dialog box appears.
2. From the Definition Type list, select Provider ID Codes.
The current list of provider ID codes appears.
3. Do one of the following:
· To add a new provider ID code, type a new code and description under Definition Text, and then click Add.
· To change a provider ID code, select the code that you want to change, type a new description, and then Click Change. To learn more, click Changing a practice definition.
· To delete a provider ID code, select it, and then click Delete. To learn more, click Deleting a practice definition.