Editing payment or pre-authorization estimate information

You can edit the total payment or pre-authorization estimate information.

To edit payment or pre-authorization estimate information

1.   In the Ledger transaction log, double-click an insurance claim or payment or a pre-authorization estimate.

The Dental Insurance Claim or Dental Preauthorization Estimate window appears.

2.   Double-click the Payment/Estimate Information block.

The Total Insurance Payment or Total Insurance Preauthorization dialog box appears.

3.   Edit the following information as necessary:

·        Date - The date the payment was received. The default is the current date.

·        Payment Type - Select a type from the list:

·        Check Payment - Select if the payment was made by check.

·        Electronic Payment - Select if the payment was electronic.

·        Credit Card Payment - Select if the payment was made by credit card, type the last 4 digits of the credit card number and a description (type of card, insurer name and card type –  20 character limit) in the corresponding fields.

·        Check # - Type the check number.

·        Bank/Branch # - Type the bank or branch number.

·        Provider Amounts - Click Add to add another provider and a payment amount. Or, select a provider payment and click Edit to change the payment amount.

·        Deductibles - Type the amounts applied to the Standard, Preventive, and Other deductibles.

·        Claim Totals - Displays the pre-authorization number, coverage amount, total amount billed, itemized total, and total amount paid or authorized.

·        Enter Adjustment - Select Write-off (-) or Refund (+)and then select $ or %. Select an adjustment type from the list. Type the Total Amount of the adjustment. If appropriate, select Split Adjustment by Provider.

4.   Click OK/Post.