When you create or edit a lab case, the Lab Case Manager makes it easy for you to assign a color shade to the six top anterior teeth (those most visible when the patient smiles). The shade codes you use are defined in the shade guide provided by the lab. Vita Lumin is the most common shade guide used by labs, but you can add other shade guides if your lab is not using Vita Lumin .
Using the Shade/Guides Shade Setup dialog box, you can create shade guides and attach associated shades that will be used in lab cases.
To add a shade guide
1. In the Lab Case Manager, click Setup, and then click Shade Guide/Shade Setup.
The Shade/Guides Shade Setup dialog box appears.
2. To create a new shade guide, click Add.
The Add Shade Guide dialog box appears.
3. Type a name of up to 30 characters for the shade guide.
4. Click OK, and then click Close.