
Setting up Health History

You can start Health History from any Dentrix module except eDex and the Office Journal.

To set up Health History

1.   In any module except the Office Journal and eDex, click File, point to Switch To, and then click Health History.

The Health History window appears.

2.   In the toolbar, click the Setup button.

The Health History Setup dialog box appears.

3.   To change any of the settings in the General Settings tab, clear the Select All check boxes, and then select which areas you want to display pop-up alerts and which questionnaires you want to appear in Health History.

Note: To stop pop-up alerts from appearing, under Health History Alert Options, clear the Select All check box.

4.   To set up medical conditions, allergies, and medications, click their respective tabs, and then click the following links to learn more:

·        Add – Click to add a medical condition , an allergy, or a medication to their respective lists.

·        Edit – Click after selecting the medical condition, allergy, or medication you want to edit.

·        Inactivate – Click after selecting the medical condition or allergy you want to inactivate.

·        Delete – Click after selecting the medical condition, allergy, or medication you want to delete.

·        Move To Conditions – Click after selecting the item you want to move.

·        Move To Allergies – Click after selecting the item you want to move.