
Setting up a view for the Collections Manager

Before you start using the Collections Manager, you must first set up a view. During the view setup, you can filter out certain accounts so that only the accounts you want to contact display. Once you have selected your view options, you can also choose what account information you want to display in the list.

To set up the Collections Manager view

1.   In the Office Manager, click Analysis, and then click Collections Manager.

The Collections Manager View dialog box appears.


2.   Select a guarantor or set a range of guarantors.

3.   Do the following:

·        Select Billing Type - Select one or more billing types from the list or select All Billing Types.

·        Note: You can select up to 10 billing types at a time. If you have more than 10 billing types, you should view the list by all billing types or in groups of 10.

·        Select Provider - Select one or more providers from the list or select All.

Note: You can select up to 10 providers at a time. If you have more than 10 providers, you should view the list by all providers or in groups of 10.

·        Min Balance - Set a minimum balance by typing the amount you want to exclude in the text box. Dentrix excludes any accounts having a balance less than the amount you specify.

·        Last Pmt Before - Select to exclude guarantors making regular payments and to filter the list by last payment date. Type the last date a payment can be posted by to exclude the account from the list.

Note: If you are allowing guarantors 30 days to make a payment, set the payment date to one month previous to the current date.

·        If Not Billed Since - Select to exclude accounts that have received a recent billing statement. Type the last date that an account could have received a billing statement to exclude the account from the list.

Note: If you only want to include accounts that received a billing statement over two weeks ago, set the date to two weeks previous to the current date.

·        Last Visit Before - Select to exclude the accounts of patients you have seen recently. Type the last date you saw a family member.

·        Previous OJ Entry Before - Select to exclude accounts based the last manual Office Journal entry. Type the last date a guarantor could have had a manual Office Journal entry. Dentrix excludes Office Journal entries with a future date.

·        Skip Accounts With Claim Pending - Select to wait for insurance to pay before collecting from an account.

Note: Accounts that have outstanding insurance claims are excluded as long as the guarantor portion of the balance is less than the amount specified in the If Patient Portion Less Than text box. The default amount is $20, but you can modify the amount.

·        Select # of Pmts Missed - Select the appropriate number of missed payments to include accounts that have missed payments.

Important: You must select an option; however, if you do not want to use this filter, select 0 or more.

·        Minimum Days Past Due - Select the number of days the account must be past due to appear on the list. This allows you to filter accounts based on the oldest aged balance.

·        Ins Min Days Past Due - Select the appropriate number of days to filter accounts based on the age of outstanding insurance claims.

Note: Only accounts that have outstanding insurance claims aged according to the selection are included.

·        For Payment Agreement (PA) & Future Due Payment Plans (FD) - Select the appropriate filter or filters to limit the list to specific types of accounts. Select All to include all accounts including those without a payment agreement or future due payment plan. An account must match at least one of the selected criteria to appear on the list.

4.   To choose column options, click Show Columns.

The Show Columns dialog box appears.

5.   To add a column you want to view, select it under Available Columns and then click Add to move it to Show these columns in this order.

6.   To remove a column so that it is not viewed, select that item in Show these columns in this order, and then click Remove to move it to Available Columns.

7.   To move a selected item up or down in Show these columns in this order, click Move Up or Move Down.

You can display the following columns:

·        Guarantor Name - The name of the guarantor for the account. (This column is mandatory.)

·        Acct Balance - The total balance for the account.

·        0-> 30 Balance - The portion of the total account balance aged 30 days or less.

·        31-> 60 Balance - The portion of the total account balance aged 31 to 60 days.

·        61-> 90 Balance - The portion of the total account balance aged 61 to 90 days.

·        91-> Balance - The portion of the total account balance aged over 90 days.

·        PA Rem Balance - The remaining balance amount for any payment agreement set up on the account.

·        Amt Billed to Ins - The portion of the account’s balance that has been billed to insurance.

·        Dental Insurance Estimate - The estimated portion of the account’s balance that is expected from insurance.

·        Guarantor Estimate - The estimated portion of the account’s balance that the patient will owe after insurance pays.

·        Last Payment Date - The date of the last guarantor payment on the account.

·        Last Payment Amount - The amount of the last guarantor payment for the account.

·        PA Amount Due - The estimated guarantor portion of the balance or the agreed payment amount from a payment agreement or future due payment plan.

·        # Pmts Missed - The number of payments missed on a payment agreement with the account.

·        Prev. Office Journal Entry - Indicates the last time a manual entry was added to the Office Journal.

·        Prev. OJ Entry Type - Used in conjunction with the Prv OJ column, this field indicates the last entry type from the Office Journal. By default, the entry’s description shows. If there is no description for the entry, the type shows.

·        Future Reminder Date - Shows the date of the next manual journal entry dated after the current date.

·        Future Rem. Type - Used in conjunction with the Reminder column, the reminder’s description will be shown. If there is no description for the reminder, the type will be shown.

·        Last Statement Date - Indicates the last date a billing statement was generated for the account.

·        Billing Type - Indicates the billing type for the account.

·        Account Provider - The primary provider of the guarantor.

·        Guarantor City - The city of residence for the guarantor.

·        Guarantor State - The state of residence for the guarantor.

·        Guarantor ZIP Code - The ZIP Code for the guarantor.

·        Home Phone - The home telephone number for the guarantor.

·        Work Phone & Ext - The work telephone number and extension for the guarantor.

·        Best Time to Call - The best time to call the guarantor.

·        email Address - The email address for the guarantor.

·        Chart# - The guarantor’s chart number as recorded in the Family File.

·         Soc Sec # - The guarantor’s Social Security number.

·        Birthday & Age - The guarantor’s birthday and age.

·        Family Position - The guarantor’s position in the family.

8.   To save the changes, click OK.

The Show Columns dialog box closes.

9.   To display a Totals row at the bottom of the list, click Show Totals.

As appropriate, a Totals row is added to each column displaying the total for that column.

Note: Not all columns will have a Totals row (Name, Address, Phone Number, and so on).

10. To save your view settings, click OK.

A message appears stating that it can take several minutes to generate the Collections Manager list.

11. To generate the Collections Manager list, click Yes.

All accounts that meet your criteria display.

Note: If the list does not include accounts you expected to see, you have probably added a filter that excludes those accounts. Re-check your filter selections to ensure that you have selected the options you wanted.