
Setting a range of guarantors

If you set a range of guarantors, you can filter your guarantor list alphabetically. This is useful if you have a very large patient base and want to limit the list size for ease of use. You can work one week on the A - J names, the next the K - S names, and the last the T - Z names.

To set a range of guarantors

1.   In the Office Manager, click Analysis, and then click Collections Manager.

The Collections Manager View dialog box appears.

2.   Under Select Guarantor, click the From search button.

The Select Guarantor dialog box appears.

3.   Select the first guarantor for the range, and then click OK.

The Select Guarantor dialog box closes.

4.   Under Select Guarantor, click the To search button.

The Select Guarantor dialog box appears.

5.   Select the last guarantor for the range, and then click OK.