Managing ERAs

In Dentrix Ascend, you can view an ERA that Dentrix Ascend receives through the clearinghouse and then post payments in patients' ledgers for the claims on that ERA.

Important: Before locations can accept ERAs, you must enroll those locations in the ERA service and then enroll for ERAs with participating payers (insurance carriers).

Tip: For information on automating ERA payments for your organization, see Managing ERA payment options.

To manage ERAs

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Home menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments.

    The Bulk/ERA Insurance Payments page opens.

  3. Select the ERA Payments tab on the left panel.

    ERAs for claims that correspond to the current location appear. By default, only incomplete ERAs appear in the list.

    Note: An ERA is considered Incomplete if a payment has not been posted for all the claims on that ERA.

  4. To also include completed ERAs in the list, set the Show Completed ERAs switch to Yes.

    Note: An ERA is considered Complete if payments have been posted for all the claims on that ERA.

  5. By default, the ERAs for the past seven days appear in the list. To change the date range, do any of the following as needed:

    • To go back one week from the beginning date of the displayed range, click (or tap) the left 1 w button. To go forward one week from the ending date of the displayed range, click (or tap) the right 1 w button.

    • To specify a different date range, click (or tap) in the date box, and then select the desired date (today, yesterday, or a specific date) or date range (last 7 days, last 30 days, this month, or a custom range).

  6. To include only ERAs that match certain criteria, expand the Filter by menu, specify an ERA Amount, a Reference Number (check number or trace number), a Tax ID Number (TIN), and/or a Carrier; and then click (or tap) Search.

  7. Do any of the following as needed:

Note: You can also view received ERAs from your location's inbox.