Dentrix Detect AI, powered and manufactured by VideaHealth, uses artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance x-ray scans with AI-enabled carious lesion detections and radiographic bone level (RBL) measurements. It works seamlessly within your workflow – as you open images to view them within the patient chart, AI analyzes them at the same time and displays the results within just a few seconds. You can confirm patient conditions faster and help patients better understand proposed treatments so they can achieve better patient care.
Dentrix Detect AI works hand-in-hand with Dentrix Smart Image. Whether you are a new user of Dentrix Detect AI, or you are currently only enjoying the caries detection that was included in the first release of the product, update Dentrix Smart Image to the latest version on each of your computers to gain the full functionality of Dentrix Detect AI.
Dentrix Smart Image includes settings that will reduce the number of clicks required to use Dentrix Detect AI. These simple options allow Detect AI to work seamlessly within your clinical workflow.
Read about Dentrix Detect AI within the Dentrix Smart Image User's Guide