Would you want to enter a patient's contact information, allergy(s),
medical condition(s), and preferred pharmacies every time you need to
create an electronic prescription for them? With ePrescribe, you only
need to enter this information once (and modify it when changes are
required), and ePrescribe will remember it for every ePrescription you
create for that patient moving forward.
Watch this video to learn how to set a patient's demographics in
ePrescribe. (Duration 3:48)
Key Information
It's good practice to include the patient's allergies and medical
conditions, as ePrescribe reconciles these with their prescribed
medications to warn you of any known drug interactions.
After you have discussed and confirmed with the patient that they
don't have any known allergies, select
No Known Allergies. If this field is left as "None
entered," it leaves the allergy question open regarding whether the
provider verified it with the patient.
ePrescribe will display several of the patient's active allergies;
however, it may not display all of them on its homepage. To display
all of the patient's allergies, click on the displayed allergies and
note the allergies in their Act. (Active) Allergies list.
When a patient prefers a mail-order pharmacy, it's also good practice
to assign them a local patient-preferred pharmacy so that the patient
can pick up medications faster in urgent situations.