The Campaigns Performance page shows you a summary of how your campaigns are performing in graph and data table formats.
To view the performance of your campaign
2. In the main navigation pane on the left, click Marketing.
3. Under Marketing, click Campaigns.
4. Under Campaigns, click Performance.
5. Click the calendar drop-down menu to select the date range of data to display.
Tip: You
can use the icons on top right of the page to do the following:
Search for a campaign name
Filter by Goal or User Type
Print the performance page
Download a spreadsheet of the performance
This section displays a bar graph for each campaign showing the percentage of campaigns sent that were Delivered, Opened, Clicked, and Appointment requested.
Click a bar to display a tool tip indicating the data being displayed and the percentage.
Click the arrow on the right to scroll through graphs for additional campaigns.
This section displays similar data in a table format, including:
· Campaign Name
· Date Sent
· Delivered % (# sent)
· Opened % (# opened)
· Clicked % (# clicked)
· Appointments requested % (# appts)