You can easily view additional patient details, such as gender, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, appointment history, notes, communication history, and number of communications your office has had with the patient.
To view patient details
1. After Logging in and searching for the patient, tap the patient’s name to view their information in detail.
2. You can use any of the following patient information options:
1. Action buttons - Use the action buttons at the top to call the patient, email the patient, send the patient a text message.
Note: You can use the Secure Messaging feature if it is available in your portal.
2. Patient Details - View the patient's Gender, Date of Birth, Address, Cell/Work Phone, and Email address.
Note: If the patient has more than one phone number, you can select the number you want to call.
3. Details - View the Appointment History and Notes.
4. Communication History - Tap this option to see and do the following:
§ Send Welcome Text & Email - You can send or resend welcome communications so your patients can be opted in.
§ Patient communications - You can view all communications received by this patient.
§ Two way Texts - You can view the history of all the text messages exchanged between your office and the patient.
§ Secure Messaging - If this feature is available for your portal, you can see all secure messages exchanged between your office and the patient.
5. Preferences - Communication preferences shows you the types of communications your patient is currently opted in to receive.
Note: You are also able to manage your patient communications from your Patient Engage in-browser portal.