You can configure Online Booking global settings that affect all providers, booking reasons, and the Online Booking calendar.
To set up Online Booking General Settings
2. Click Leads.
3. Under Leads, click Online Booking.
4. In
the top right corner, click the General Settings icon .
5. Configure the General Booking Configuration settings:
· Booking Slot Interval - Select whether you want patient appointment slots to appear as 30 minutes or 60 minutes on your bookings calendar.
· Booking Temporary Hold - When patients request a booking, specify how many business hours you will hold that patient booking before confirming it or releasing it on the calendar.
Note: If a patient books outside of your business hours, the booking will be held and the countdown will begin at the start of the next business day.
· Reduce Booking Gaps - Selecting this option automatically adjusts your booking time slots to reduce gaps between appointments.
Note: This may result in booking time slots that are different from the Booking Slot Interval defined above.
6. To configure the Saved Schedule settings for your practice's business hours as well as each provider listed, do any of the following:
· Click
the Schedule Preview icon
to view the practice (or that provider's) schedule.
· Click
the Edit icon , make changes to the practice (or that
provider's) schedule, and click Done
when finished.
· Click
the Duplicate Schedule icon ,
under Name Duplicate specify a
new provider or schedule name for this new schedule, and click Done
when finished.
· Click
the Delete icon next to any provider schedule you
want to delete; under Replace Schedule
with, specify a replacement schedule, and then click Delete
& Replace.
7. To configure the Special Hours settings for holidays and other exceptions to your practice's normal business hours, do any of the following for any of the Special Hours listed:
· Select the No Bookings All Day option to prevent any online bookings for the entire day.
· Clear the No Bookings All Day option and specify a time range on that date when online bookings are not allowed.
· Click
icon, select a new holiday or custom date to add to your special hours,
and then click Add Date.
· Click
the icon to delete that holiday or date from the
list of special hours.
8. To configure the Custom Booking Sources settings to specify additional booking sources (besides the default offerings) you want to include, do any of the following:
· Click Get Link to display that website's link, click Copy Link, use Ctrl+V to paste that link where it is needed.
· Click
icon, specify a new Website Name
and Website URL, and then click
Add Custom Site.
· Click
the icon to delete that website or social media
source from the list of Custom Booking Sources so it is no longer used.
9. Configure the Email Notifications settings by toggling each patient email notification options to On or Off:
· Appointment Request Confirmation
· Appointment Scheduled
· Appointment Rescheduled
· Appointment Booked
Tip: You
can view a sample of the notification your patients will receive by clicking
the icon to the right of that notification type.
10. Configure the Display Order that will be used for the booking reasons by dragging them from their current position to the desired position in the list.
Note: The most recently added booking reason is automatically assigned to the bottom position.
11. When finished, click Save.