The hotlist (or ASAP list) is a convenient way for your business to keep track of and notify patients of last-minute appointment openings. Patients can request to be added into this list or they can be manually added.
This list is usually made up of patients who have a future appointment scheduled but have requested to be notified in the event that an earlier one should become available. There is no limit to the amount of patients that can be on this list.
To configure hotlist message templates
2. From the Dentrix Hub toolbar, click Settings.
3. Under Communication, click Hotlist.
4. Configure and review the following Hotlist Settings:
· Action - Click Edit to edit the email template and email settings. Click Save when finished in each section where you make changes.
· Category - Displays the category of email campaign, such as Hotlist.
· Template - Displays the text for your email template.
· Delivery Time - Specifies a delivery time for the email campaign.
5. When finished, click Save.
You will also need to add clients to the hotlist and deliver notifications.