

Viewing options

You can change how you view and navigate a report.

To set the viewing options of a report

·        Change the details - While you are viewing the report, double-click a heading of the report to toggle between the summary and detailed views. The default is the detailed view. The selected view is the view that prints.

·        Change the zoom - From the Zoom box, change the amount of zoom (percentage) while you are viewing the report.

·        Navigate to a different page of the report

·        Click the Go to 1st page button to navigate to the first page of the report.

·        Click the Show previous page of report button to navigate to the previous page of the report.

·        Click the Show next page of report button to navigate to the next page of the report.

·        Click the Show the last page of report button to navigate to the last page of the report.

·        Click the close button - When you are finished displaying the report, click the close button on the title bar to close the Print Preview window.


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