

Tabulated Production Report

The Tabulated Production Report tracks production on a procedure by procedure basis. The Tabulated Production Report displays the individual procedures; number of teeth treated; amount billed; amount paid per procedure for this month, last month, this year, and last year to date; and amount of production billed per hour, based on the units allocated for each procedure in the fee schedule and the amount of time you defined for one unit in the Appointment Book.

To run the report

1.   From the Report menu, click Tabulated.

The Tabulated Production Report dialog box appears.

2.   Select any of the procedure categories that you want to include on the report.

3.   Select Print patient detail to include patient detail for each procedure.

4.   Select the time units you use in you Appointment Book: 10 mins. or 15 mins.

5.   Set up how you want to filter the reports using the standard report filter tabs. However, since the Start and End dates on the Providers/Dates tab default to the previous month, you may want to enter a different date range in the boxes.

6.   Select Include Inactive Patients to include inactive patients on the report.

7.   Select Save settings for next time to save any options that you have changed for the next time you run the Tabulated Production Report.

8.   Click OK.


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