

Claim Status

The Claims Status selection allows you to generate a list of insurance claims at certain stages.

Tip: Select the Exclude Codes set to 'None' on claims option if you want to exclude unused codes from the report.

The Filter Claims Status to include section appears with this report selected. Select any or all of the statuses to include insurance profiles with those statuses on the report:

·        Queued - This status indicates that a claim has been sent to the batch, but not printed.

·        Submitted - This status indicates that a claim has been printed or sent electronically.

·        Not Submitted - This status indicates that a claim has not been sent, but the procedures have been posted.

·        Hold - This status indicates that a claim has not been sent to the batch or printed. This status is usually for secondary insurance claims waiting for the primary insurance claim to be paid.

Note: This report can be filtered by a date range.

The following explains when you should generate this report and what status to select:

·        If your office does not usually send claims to a batch for printing at a later time but you might have accidentally clear Print Now in the Billing Summary dialog box without realizing that this would send the claim to the batch, select Queued before running this report to find these claims.

·        If your office does not usually mark procedures incomplete but Complete was cleared in the Post New Charges dialog box or None was selected under Type in the Billing Summary dialog box so that the claim was not printed or batched, select Not Submitted before running this report to find these claims.


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