Adding and editing implant uses
An implant use describes the purpose or function of an implant item for adding or editing implant details for an implant case. An implant use is helpful for tracking an implant. You can add and edit implant uses as needed.
To add or edit a use
1. Do one of the following:
· From the File menu, point to Implants > Implant Tracking, and then click Uses. The Implant Use Table window appears.
· In the Implant Center, on the Setup tab, click the Uses tab.
2. Do one of the following:
· To add an implant use, click Add.
· To edit an existing implant use, select an implant use, and then click Edit.
The Edit Implant Use dialog box appears.
3. Set up the following options:
· Name - Type a name for the implant use. The name can be up to 30 characters long.
· Comments - Type any comments regarding the implant use.
4. Click OK.
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