

EHR narrative text variables and merge fields

EHR narratives provide the following system default text variables (custom text that you define) and merge fields (data that is pulled from a patient's record):

Narrative Fields (text variables)


·        Follow-up visit

·        1 week

·        10 days

·        2 weeks

·        24 hours

·        48 hours

·        PRN

·        General Anesthesia

·        Vital Signs

·        Blood Pressure

·        Intra-op

·        Post-op

·        Pre-op

·        Pulse

·        Intra-op

·        Post-op

·        Pre-op

·        Pulse Oximeter

·        Intra-op

·        Post-op

·        Pre-op

·        Intravenous sedation

·        Blood pressure

·        Intra-op

·        Post-op

·        Pre-op

·        Pulse

·        Intra-op

·        Post-op

·        Pre-op

·        Pulse Oximeter

·        Intra-op

·        Post-op

·        Pre-op

·        IV Site

·        Type

·        20 guage

·        23 guage

·        Left arm

·        Left hand

·        Other site

·        Right arm

·        Right hand

·        Local

·        0.5% Marcaine with epinephrine

·        2% Xylocaine 1:100,00 epinephrine

·        3% Carbocaine

·        4% Septocaine 1:100,00 epinephrine

Medical History

·        Confirm NPO

·        Except medications

·        Confirm Medical Hx.

·        Confirm Tx. Plan

·        Medications

·        Brevital

·        Fentanyl

·        Propofol

·        Versed

·        Airway management

·        Circulator

·        Consent signed

·        Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Analgesia

·        Post-operative instructions

·        Surgical assistant



·        Excision of benign lesion

·        Base of tongue

·        Floor of mouth

·        Hard palate

·        Lip

·        Salivary gland

·        Soft palate

·        Excision of malignant lesion

·        Base of tongue

·        Floor of mouth

·        Hard palate

·        Lip

·        Salivary gland

·        Soft palate


Dental History

·        Chief Complaint

·        Duration

·        History of present illness


Dentoalveolar Surgery

·        Alveoplasty

·        With extractions

·        Without extractions

·        Cyst

·        Radicular

·        Extraction of erupted teeth

·        Routine

·        With split

·        Without split

·        Impacted teeth

·        Full bony impaction

·        Nerve seen - not intact

·        Nerve seen and intact

·        Sinus floor intact

·        Sinus opening noted

·        Partial bony impaction

·        Implant surgery

·        Intraosseous implant

·        Surgical extraction

·        With split

·        Without split

·        Apicoectomy

·        Frenectomy

·        Root extraction



·        Existing Patient

·        Initial



·        Antibiotics

·        Amoxicillin

·        Ampicillin

·        Clindimycin

·        EES

·        Penicillin

·        Pain

·        DarvocetN 100

·        Lortab

·        Panlor

·        Percodan

·        Tylenol #3

·        Sedative

·        Halcion

·        Valium


Orthognathic Surgery

·        Genioplasty

·        LeFort I Osteotomy

·        Malar augmentation

·        Sagittal Split Osteotomy


Past Medical History

·        Medical Problems

·        Allergies

·        ASA

·        Codeine

·        EES

·        Latex

·        Penicillin

·        Sulfa

·        Bleeding

·        Anemia

·        Hemophilia

·        Prolonged bleeding

·        Sickle Cell trait

·        Blood thinners

·        ASA

·        Coumadin

·        Cancer

·        Chemotherapy

·        Head and neck cancer

·        Radiation treatment

·        Diabetes

·        Diet controlled

·        Insulin Control

·        Oral medication

·        Heart Murmur

·        Functional

·        Organic

·        Kidney

·        Dialysis

·        Liver

·        Hepatitis A

·        Hepatitis B

·        Hepatitis C

·        Lung problems

·        Asthma

·        Exercise induced

·        Inhaler controlled

·        Oral medications

·        Emphysema

·        Tuberculosis

·        AIDS

·        Antibiotic Premedication

·        Chest pain

·        Coronary blockage

·        Fainting spells

·        Glaucoma

·        Heart attack

·        Heart problems

·        Heart valve replacement

·        High Blood Pressure

·        HIV

·        Low Blood Pressure

·        Low blood sugar

·        Malignant Hyperthermia

·        Medications

·        Rheumatic fever

·        Seizure disorder

·        Stroke

·        Venereal disease


Physical Exam

·        Extremities

·        Radial pulse

·        Not present

·        Present

·        Clubbing

·        Cyanosis

·        Strong peripheral pulse

·        Head and Neck

·        TMJ

·        Crepitus

·        Fremitus

·        FROM

·        No lymphadenopathy

·        Normocephalic

·        Restricted ROM

·        Submandibular lymphadenopathy

·        Heart

·        Murmurs

·        Diastolic murmur

·        No murmur

·        Systolic murmur

·        NSRR

·        S1/S2 audible

·        S4 audible

·        Sinus rhythm

·        Systolic murmur

·        Lungs

·        Equal/bilateral breath sounds

·        No rales

·        No wheezes

·        Wheezing

·        Neurologic

·        Facial muscle weakness

·        Facial sensory loss

·        Generalized weakness

·        No gross neurologic deficits

·        Paralysis

·        WNL

·        Psychiatric

·        Alert

·        Person

·        Place

·        Time

·        Anxious

·        Calm

·        Combative

·        Cooperative

·        Deferred

·        Mentally handicapped

·        Normal

·        Uncooperative

·        Surgical Risk

·        ASA 1

·        ASA 2

·        ASA 3

·        ASA 4



·        Dry socket

·        Additional treatment

·        Initial treatment

·        Edema

·        Mild

·        Moderate

·        Severe

·        Area healing WNL

·        Food trapping

·        Monitor bony ridge

·        Pain


Preprosthetic Surgery

·        Alveolar right bone graft

·        Torus/Tori removal

·        Tuberocity reduction

·        Vestibuloplasty



·        Cephalometric x-ray

·        Occlusal x-ray

·        Panoramic x-ray

·        Perioapical x-ray

·        TMJ x-ray


Social History

·        Alcohol use

·        Drug use

·        Tobacco use



·        Diagnosis

·        Common migraine

·        Dislocation - closed lock

·        Dislocation - open lock

·        Facial pain - atypical

·        Functional jaw abnormality

·        Osteoarthritis

·        Spasm of TMJ

·        TMJ adhesion

·        TMJ ankylosis

·        TMJ ligament pain


EHR Case Fields (merge fields)


·        Medical History

·        Allergies

·        Allergies

·        Allergies-Insertable Table

·        Photo


Case Summary

·        Case Date Summary

·        Case Type

·        Provider

·        Provider Name

·        Signature

·        Digital

·        Electronic

·        Dates

·        Tx Started, Tx Completed, and Finish Date

·        Tx Started

·        Tx Completed

·        Finish Date



·        Chief Complaint

·        History of Present Illness (HPI)

·        Dental

·        Dental

·        Dental-Insertable Table

·        Orthognathic

·        Orthognathic

·        Orthognathic-Insertable Table

·        TMJ

·        TMJ

·        TMJ-Insertable Table

·        Medical Forms

·        Medical Forms

·        Medical Forms-Insertable Table



·        Medical History

·        PMHx

·        PMHx-Insertable Table

·        Social History

·        PSHx

·        PSHx-Insertable Table

·        Family History

·        PFHx

·        PFHx-Insertable Table

·        Surgical History

·        SurgHx

·        SurgHx-Insertable Table

·        History Surveys

·        Hx

·        Hx-Insertable Table

·        Pain and Swelling

·        Pain and Swelling

·        Pain and Swelling-Insertable Table

·        Pain and Swelling List-Insertable Table

·        Medications

·        Medications

·        Medications Active Only

·        Medications-Insertable Table

·        Medications Active Only-Insertable Table

·        Vital Signs

·        Vital Signs-All

·        Vital Signs-Last 30 days

·        Vital Signs-Last 7 days

·        Vital Signs-Today

·        Vital Signs-Insertable Table

Note: Not every Vital Signs reading is included in lists or tables.  The Vital Signs readings are printed using the following criteria:

·        First and last readings

·        Readings that include a blood pressure reading

·        Readings taken every three minutes from first reading

·        Review of System

·        Review of System

·        Review of System-Insertable Table

·        Implants

·        Implants

·        Implants-Insertable Table

·        Readings-Insertable table


Exams and Tests

·        Exams and Tests

·        Exams and Tests-Insertable Table

·        Exams and Test CrossTab-Insertable Table

·        All

·        Tests

·        Swelling

·        Other

·        XRay

·        Perio

·        Diagnosis



·        Teeth

·        Teeth-Insertable Table

·        Tooth Selector



·        Canals

·        Canals-Insertable Table


Anesthesia and Medications Administered

·        Anesthesia and Medications Administered

·        Anesthesia and Medications Administered-Insertable Table


Treatment and Post-Op

·        Treatment and Post-Op

·        Treatment and Post-Op-Insertable Table



·        Images

·        Images-Caption

·        Images-Insertable Table


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