Adding and editing terminals
If you have signed up to use Transaction Express, you can process credit cards in EndoVision. To use Transaction Express, you must have a Terminal Name, Gateway ID, Reg. Key, IP Address, and Port.
To add or edit a terminal to a terminal table
1. From the File menu, point to Codes and Lists > Posting, and then click Terminal Table.
The Terminal Table dialog box appears.
2. Do one of the following:
· To add a Terminal Table, click Add.
· To edit an existing Terminal Table, select a Terminal Name, and then click Edit.
The Terminal Setup dialog box appears.
3. Set up the following options:
· Terminal Name - Type the terminal name assigned to you by Transaction Express.
· Gateway ID - Type the gateway assigned to you by Transaction Express.
· Reg. Key - Type the alphanumeric registration key for the terminal.
· IP Address - Type the IP address of the terminal.
· Port - Type the port number the
terminal uses.
Note: Leave the default port set
to 5015 unless you are told otherwise by Transaction Express or your IT
4. Click OK.
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