

Incomplete Treatment Report

The Incomplete Treatment Report displays patients who have posted treatment that was not completed on the initial visit.

For each patient on this report, the procedures posted and patient contact and account information are displayed so that you can follow up with the patient and schedule the remaining treatment.

The following two examples explain why you should use this report:

·        If your office does not usually mark procedures incomplete, but Complete was cleared in the Post New Charges dialog box or None was selected under Type in the Billing Summary dialog box so that the claim was not printed or batched (these claims can be found by running the Claims Status Report), the balance will remain estimated to insurance. However, since the claim was never generated, it will not appear on the Overdue Claims Report and collecting payment from the patient can be compromised if your office does not send statements until procedures are completed.

·        If your office posts multi-visit procedures (this is set up in the fee schedule), the insurance claim form might not have been submitted (these claims can be found by running the Claims Status Report), and collecting payments from insurance and the patient can be delayed.

To run the Incomplete Treatment Report

1.   From the Report menu, click Incomplete Treatment.

The Incomplete Treatment Report dialog box appears.

2.   Select Exclude if Patient has an appointment to exclude patients with appointments from the report.

3.   Set up how you want to filter the reports using the standard filter tabs.

4.   Select Include Inactive Patients to include inactive patients on the report.

5.   Select Save settings for next time to save any options you have changed for the next time you run the Incomplete Treatment report.

6.   Click OK.


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