

Posting multi-visit procedures

For a procedure in the master fee schedule (#1) that has been set up to require multiple visits to complete, you can post that procedure multiple times but not charge the patient multiple times.

For example, if you post code 02750 (Porcelain to Gold Crown), which can be performed in the three steps (not necessarily three visits though), the following occurs:

1.   (Tooth preparation) When you post 02750, the program records the transaction in the patient's Ledger as a code with a leading zero (002750).

2.   (Impression) A02750 is recorded.

3.   (Insertion and cementation) B02750 is recorded.

To post a multi-visit procedure

1.   From the Post New Charges window, post the first visit of a multi-visit procedure code.

Important: Do not mark the first visit of the procedure as having been completed. Only when the final visit is done is the procedure considered complete. The program marks the last visit complete automatically.

2.   As the patient returns to the office for the same procedure, post those subsequent visits:

a.   Click Multi-Visit.

The Multi-Visit Procedures panel appears.

b.   Double-click a procedure.

A line item is added.

Note: The line item has the same Code as the one posted in step 1 except for the first digit, which is replaced with a letter: “A,” for the second visit; “B,” for the third; “C,” for the fourth; and so on.

If the patient's insurance has changed since the previous visit, the Multi-Visit Procedures - Carrier dialog box appears; otherwise, skip to step e.

c.   Under Use which carrier, select the carrier you want to use to create a claim:

·        Current - To use one of the patient's current insurance carriers. Also, select one of the Carriers in the list box.

·        Original - To use one of the patient's insurance carriers that was effective when the first visit of this multi-visit procedure was posted. Also, select one of the Carriers in the list box.

·        Choose - To choose any one of the patient's insurance carriers.

The Choose Carriers for Claim dialog box appears with all of the patient's insurance carriers listed, regardless of status. The Current Status, Carrier, Employer, Effective Date, and Terminated date for each of the patient's insurance carriers are displayed to help you distinguish between each carrier.

Tips:   You can filter the list of carriers using the following options:

·        Select which coverage type you want to Change to - Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary, or Terminated. Only the carriers of that coverage type will be listed. (By default, no option is selected, which indicates all carriers are being displayed.)

·        Select the Show only plan effective on date of posting check box to view only those carriers.

·        Click Reset to remove both of the previous two filters and display all of the patient's insurance carriers.

Select a carrier, and then click OK.

d.   Click OK to use the selected carrier and continue posting or Close to return to the Post New Charges window without selecting a carrier (if you post the procedure without selecting a carrier, the carrier that was used for the original visit will be used on the claim).

e.   Make any necessary changes to the procedure on the Multi-Visit Procedures panel. Then, close the panel.

3.   Finish posting the charge.


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