Multiple Ledger views
Using the links at the top of the Ledger tab, you can open a different view of the Ledger than the one displayed in the Ledger Card section:
· Summarize by Date - Click this button to open the Ledger Summary, By Date dialog box, from which you can view the transaction types, billed amount, and credits grouped by the posting date. Close the dialog box when you are finished viewing the summary.
· Summarize by Procedure - Click this button to open the Ledger Summary by Procedure dialog box, from which you can view the posting dates, provider, tooth number, tooth surface, billed amount, credits, services, and location grouped by procedure code. The adjustments not associated with billed procedures are also displayed. For each procedure, you can click More to view more detail for the corresponding procedure. Close the windows when you are finished viewing the summaries.
· Summarize by Open Procedures - Click this button to open the Open Procedures dialog box, from which you can view all the procedures that currently have a balance and how much is owed for each open procedure. The date, code, tooth number, surfaces, provider, billed amount, balances (for the procedure, patient, and insurance), and location are shown for each open procedure. The open procedures are sub-totalled by provider, and totals for the amount billed and balances (procedure, patient, insurance, and total insurance) are shown. Close the dialog box when you are finished viewing the summary.
· Family Ledger - Click this button to open the Family Ledger dialog box, from which you can view the ledger entries for all members of the patient's family in one place. The view is divided by family member and provides totals for each patient and combined totals for all family members. Click the plus sign (+) next to a date to view the corresponding transactions. Click any patient's name to change to that family member's Patient Information Center. Close the dialog box when you are finished viewing the family ledger.
· You can right click any column heading to customize what columns are displayed. You can also arrange the columns in any order. If the view is modified, when you close the dialog box, you are presented with the option to save the current view settings for the family ledger. This setting is user-specific.
· You can click Default View to view only patient names and dates of service.
· From the default view, you can click Collapse All to view only patient names. The button's text changes to Expand All. With each click, this button's name toggles between Collapse All and Expand All.
· You can click Print to print the family ledger for a specified date range and for all or some of the family members.
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