

General tab

The middle menu under Actions on the Control Panel changes according to the selected tab in a patient’s Patient Information Center. With the General tab selected, the middle menu is labeled General.

Click the link to display a menu with the following options:

·        Change Patient – To exit the current patient’s record and open a different patient’s Patient Information Center.

·        Register Family Member – To register a family member related to the current patient. The Guarantor Assignment - Address Verification dialog box appears so that you can verify or change the mailing and billing address and phone number of the guarantor of the current patient. Leave Assign Guarantor's Address/Phone to Patient selected if you want to insert the guarantor's address and phone number automatically during the registration process after you click OK, or leave the check box cleared if you want to enter the guarantor's address and phone number later. When you click OK, the Register New Patient dialog box appears so that you can register the patient.

·        Change Guarantor – To select a different guarantor for the patient.

·        Change Referrer – To select a different referrer for the patient.



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