


From ClinicalVision, you can quickly post new transactions or changes to EndoVision.

To post transactions

Do one of the following:

·        From the File menu, click Save & Exit.

·        Click Save & Exit on the toolbar.

·        From the File menu, click Exit.

·        Close the ClinicalVision window.

ClinicalVision closes and returns you to EndoVision. Any of the following may occur:

·        If there are treatment plans to add, the Add To Treatment Plan window opens so that you can finish posting treatment plans.

·        If there are transactions to post, the Post New Charges window opens so that you can finish posting charges.

Important: You cannot change patients in EndoVision or exit or log off EndoVision on your computer until you have posted all pending transactions from ClinicalVision.


Need more help?

You can visit our website, contact EndoVision Customer Support, or suggest a new feature or improvement on User Voice.