

Charting by code

You can chart completed treatment by treatment code.

To chart by code

1.   Select a provider for the treatment.

2.   From the hard tissue chart, on the Task pane, click Add.

The Add New Items section appears.

3.   Click Codes to populate a list of procedure codes on the Task pane.

4.   Under Status, click Completed.

Depending on the code you selected, select the appropriate treatment information, such as with the following examples:

·        Select the appropriate teeth on the graphical chart.

·        Click the surfaces or roots on the tooth on the graphical chart or on the diagram under Details.

5.   Select one of the procedure codes in the Codes section:

a.   Search for a code:

·        Type the first few letters of the code description in the Search field.

·        Type the first few numbers of the ADA code in the Search field.

·        From the Category list, select a category to view codes in that category; or, leave "(All)" selected to view all codes.

To make selecting a procedure code quicker, the codes are grouped by the procedure code categories (for example, Preventative/Diagnostic and Periodontics) used in your . For any fee from your , the category that is used in ClincalVision is determined by that fee's selected Type on the Options tab of the Edit Fee Code dialog box (to open the dialog box, from the Fee Schedule table in your , double-click a fee).

b.   Select the desired code in the list.

6.   Click Add to add the treatment for the selected tooth.


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