Submitting requests for reversals
You can submit a request for the reversal of an electronic claim, pre-determination, or eligibility check that has been accepted previously.
To submit requests for reversals
1. From the Report menu, point to Insurance, and then click Canadian Claims.
The Canadian Claims window appears.
2. On the Control Panel, under Electronic Requests, click the Claim Reversal link.
The Claim Reversals tab appears and displays today's claims, pre-determinations, and eligibility checks that have been accepted by the CDA.
3. Select
an item, and then click the Reverse
button .
· To select multiple items, while holding down the Ctrl key, click each item that you want to select. Alternately, to select all items in a range, click an item, and then, while holding down the Shift key, click another item.
· To
search for an item, select a Search By
option, and then begin typing the text that you want to search For.
The first item that matches your search criteria is selected automatically.
Click the Previous or Next
button to select the
previous or next item that matches (if any), respectively.
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