Setting up carrier preferences
You can set up carrier preferences.
To set up carrier preferences
1. From the Report menu, point to Insurance, and then click Canadian Claims.
The Canadian Claims window appears.
2. On the Control Panel, under Setup, click the Carriers link.
The Carriers tab appears.
3. Do any of the following:
· Add a new carrier
a. Click
the New button
to open the Carrier - "New"
b. Type the Carrier No.
c. Type the Name of Carrier.
d. Type the Network.
e. Select 2 or 4 as the claim Version.
f. If you are using a dial-up modem to submit electronic claims to this carrier, specify the Phone dialing options:
· Dial 1 - If you must dial a 1 before the phone number.
· Dial 9 - If you must dial a 9 get an outside line before dialing 1 or the phone number.
· Phone number - The phone number that you must dial to gain Internet access.
g. Select the Supported Transactions. Only the transactions that are currently supported are available.
h. Enter the number of Procedures per e-claim that are allowed, such as 4 or 7.
i. Click the Save button.
· View a carrier's settings - Select
a carrier, and then click the Open
button to open a Carrier
- "[Carrier Name]" tab. Change the settings as needed.
· Delete a carrier - Select a carrier, and then click the Delete button.
· To select multiple carriers (either to view their settings on separate tabs or to delete them), while holding down the Ctrl key, click each carrier that you want to select. Alternately, to select all carriers in a range, click a carrier, and then, while holding down the Shift key, click another carrier.
· To
search for a carrier, select a Search
By option, and then begin typing the text that you want to search
For. The first carrier that matches
your search criteria is selected automatically. Click the Previous
or Next button
to select the previous or next carrier that matches (if any), respectively.
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