Cancellation list
You can view the cancellation list from the Appointment Book to follow up on canceled appointments. The list displays the cancelation type, patient’s first name, patient’s last name, patient’s appointment date, and scheduled provider’s name and number.
To view the cancellation list
1. In the Appointment Book, from the Tools button menu, point to Cancellation List, and then click one of the following options:
· Appointments Cancelled Today – To view appointments that were canceled today.
· Appointments Cancelled for Today – To view appointments that were canceled previously for today.
The Appointments Cancelled Today or Appointments Cancelled for Today dialog box appears.
2. Set up the following options:
· Start and End – Enter a date range to include appointments with a “cancelled today” date or a “cancelled for today” date within that range. The date range will appear on the title bar of the Appointment Cancellation window and on the printed report.
· Location – Select whether you want to include canceled appointments from only the current location you are logged on to or from all locations.
· Provider – Select the treating provider whose canceled appointments you want to include, or leave “<All Providers>” selected to include appointments for all treating providers.
· Show appointments
· All - Show both cancelled/failed appointments and rescheduled appointments.
· Cancelled/Failed only - Show cancelled or failed appointments only.
· Rescheduled only - Show rescheduled appointments only.
3. Click OK.
The Appointment Cancellation List window appears
For each item the cancellation type, patient's first name, patient's last name, and appointment date appear. The provider with whom the patient was scheduled appears in the Provider No. and Provider Name columns.
4. You can export or print the cancellation list and then close the window.
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