Scheduling events
You can schedule an event (a non-patient “appointment”) to block out time in the Schedule to close an operatory for a day or up to four weeks. Events can include such items as staff meetings, vacation schedules, or holidays.
To schedule an event
1. In the Schedule toolbar, click the Schedule Events button.
The Schedule Event dialog box appears.
2. Under Event Time, do one of the following:
· If the event will only last part of the day, specify a Start and an End time.
· If the event will last the entire day, select Close Operatory (All Day Event).
3. Do the following:
· Operatories – Select the operatory or operatories that you want to schedule the event for.
Note: If you specify multiple operatories and/or days for the event, Easy Dental creates separate events (one per day per operatory) and displays them in the Schedule. The event creation process may take several minutes depending on the date range specified, days of the week selected, the number of operatories selected, and the number of future appointments scheduled. While Easy Dental treats multiple operatories and/or days as separate events, they are linked.
· Event Days – Specify the day or days when the event will occur.
Note: You may schedule events as much as one year in advance. You may also select specific days within a range when you schedule an event.
· Description – Type a description of the event.
· Center Description on Scheduled Event – Select to center the description on the event icon.
4. To select a background color for the event, click Event Color.
The Color dialog box appears.
5. Select a color from the palette, and then click OK.
Tip: Selecting a color that is too dark may obscure the black text of the event description and note. For example, black text will not be easily readable on a dark blue background.
6. In the Notes text box, type any notes that apply to the event, and then click Insert Dateline to include a dateline.
7. To schedule the event, click OK.
8. In the Schedule toolbar, click the Refresh button.
The event appears in the schedule.