Editing the payment table
You can use the payment table when an insurance carrier always pays the same fee for a procedure regardless of percentage. If you itemize insurance payments by procedure, you can set up Easy Dental to update the insurance payment table whenever you post a payment for a patient having that particular plan.
To edit the payment table
1. In the Patient Banner, click the Settings button.
The Settings dialog box appears.
2. Click Maintenance, and then click Insurance Maintenance.
The Insurance Maintenance dialog box appears.
3. Select the insurance carrier whose payment table you want to edit, and then click Pmt Table.
The Edit Updated Insurance Payment Table dialog box appears.
4. Select the code that you want to edit and change the code and/or the amount in their respective fields.
5. Click Change.
The payment table updates to reflect the changes to the code and/or amount.
6. Click OK.