Easy Dental

Changing report fonts

You can change the fonts used in reports and statements. You have control over most aspects of the reports, including what font, size, and style to use for headers, footers, subheadings, body, and so on. This feature can help you maintain a particular style or image for your practice.

The number of fonts available for selection depends on the number of TrueType and resident printer fonts installed on your system.

Note: Easy Dental reports are formatted carefully to fit a specific page size and dimension. Changing the font, size, or style may alter the layout of the report and produce undesirable results.

To change report fonts

1.   In the Patient Banner, click the Settings button.

The Settings dialog box appears.

2.   Click Maintenance, and then click Report Fonts.

The Report Fonts dialog box appears.

3.   In the Easy Dental Report Fonts list, select the style that you want to edit, and then click Change Font.

The Font dialog box appears.

4.   Select the font, style, and size you want in the appropriate columns, and then click OK.

In the Reports Fonts dialog box under Sample, Easy Dental displays the font you chose.

5.   To implement your changes, click OK.

Any report printed from this point on will reflect your changes.

Note: To return fonts to the Easy Dental default settings, click Default Font.