Easy Dental

Assigning fee schedules

You can assign up to 999 fees for each procedure. With that many fees available, you have the flexibility to pre-set alternative fees for some patients, such as family members, special insurance holders, senior citizens, and so forth. When you enter a procedure in Accounts or Chart, the charge is assigned according to the selected provider's fee schedule. You can override the provider's fee schedule by assigning a fee schedule to a patient or an insurance carrier.

Note: You should already have a list of the fees that you currently use to bill your patients. This is also a good time to review your fees and make changes if you want. No fees are pre-assigned in Easy Dental.

To assign a fee schedule

1.   In the Patient Banner, click the Settings button.

The Settings dialog box appears.

2.   In the Practice Setup list, click Procedure Code Setup.

The Procedure List dialog box appears.


3.   Under Procedure Code Category, select a category.

All of the procedure codes associated with that category appear in the adjacent list.

4.   Select the procedure from the list that you want to assign a fee schedule to, and then click Edit.

The Procedure Code Editor - Existing dialog box appears.


5.   Select the fee schedule that you want to assign a fee to, and then click Edit Fee.

Note: Add your practice's usual and customary fees to Fee Schedule 1. Fees are not pre-assigned in Easy Dental.

6.   To edit the fee schedule amount, type the new amount in dollars.


·        Each provider is assigned a fee schedule. Be sure the provider’s Fee Schedule number is entered in the Provider Information dialog box. When you enter a procedure in Accounts, Easy Dental assigns the charge according to the selected provider’s fee schedule.

·        You may also override the provider’s fee schedule by assigning a fee schedule to a patient or to an insurance carrier.

7.   Press the Enter key or click the green check box to save the change, and then press the Tab key to move to the next fee schedule.

Note: If you are entering multiple fees for a single procedure, you can press the Tab key to edit the next fee schedule.

8.   Continue setting up procedure codes.