Setting up practice information
Before you use the Reports module, you must enter your practice information, such as the name of your practice, your practice's address and phone number, and so on.
To set up practice information
1. Start Easy Dental, and from the Easy Dental toolbar, click Reports.
The Reports module opens.
Note: If you are setting up your practice and Easy Dental for the first time, the phrase "Please Set Up Practice Resources!" appears in red, and the Settings button is outlined in red.
2. In the Patient Banner, click the Settings button.
The Settings dialog box appears.
3. In the Practice setup list, click Practice Resource Setup.
The Practice Resources dialog box appears.
4. Under Practice Information, click Edit.
The Practice Information dialog box appears.
5. Complete the following tasks:
· Type your practice's name, address, and phone number in the appropriate fields.
Note: The Title field can accommodate up to 59 characters. The title prints as the heading for each Easy Dental report. Parentheses and hyphens are added automatically in the phone field.
· Select an Administrative Contact and HIPAA Officer by clicking the corresponding search buttons.
Note: You can only select providers and staff members who have 10-digit phone numbers. If you are using eTrans, select a primary provider for the Administrative Contact. Staff IDs do not work for claim processing.
· Type your account number in the Bank Deposit Number field.
Note: This number appears only on deposit slips.
· Type the month that the practice’s fiscal year begins in the Fiscal year’s beginning month (1-12) field.
6. Select one of the following:
· Use Practice Info on Statements – Prints the practice name and address on billing and walkout statements.
· Use Provider Info on Statements – Prints the provider’s name and address on billing and walkout statements.
7. To save the information in your database, click OK.