Easy Dental

Inactivating staff members

You cannot delete staff members from Easy Dental. You can, however, inactivate a staff member. When you inactivate a staff member, you must replace the inactive staff member.

Note: Back up your Easy Dental database before inactivating a staff member.

To inactivate a staff member

1.   Close Easy Dental on all computers, except for the computer you are using, and then open the Reports module.

2.   In the Patient Banner, click the Settings button.

The Settings dialog box appears.

3.   In the Practice Setup list, click Practice Resource Setup.

The Practice Resources dialog box appears.

4.   Under Staff, select the staff member that you want to inactivate.

5.   Click Inactivate.

The Inactivate Staff dialog box appears.


6.   Read the changes that occur when you inactivate a staff member.

7.   Click the Select Replacement Staff search button to select a new staff member.

The Select Staff dialog box appears.

8.   Select the appropriate staff member, and then click OK.