Easy Dental

Generating and printing recall lists

After setting up recall views, you can generate patient recall lists with the specific information you want to see. You can then print the patient recall list or print mailing labels using the patient address information.

To generate a recall list

1.   In the Easy Dental toolbar, click Recall.

The Recall window appears.

2.   Select Views in the Recall toolbar, and then click the Recall view that you want to use.  

Note: If you select Temporary View, the Temporary Recall View dialog box for the current view appears, allowing you to make modifications. These changes will not be saved permanently.

3.   To change the originating date for the date spans, click Set Date.

Note: You can use Easy Dental to determine the default date spans that are used for the view from the current date in the system. For example, to view Recall patients for the month of June, select Next Month from the View options and then set the date to June 1, 20xx. The Due Date Span should be one day before and one month after.

4.   To print the list, in the Recall toolbar, click Print and then click Recall List.

A list prints based on the current view selected.

5.   To print mailing labels, in the Recall toolbar click Print, and select the type of label that you want to print.

Note: Easy Dental uses the standard three-column Avery 5351 labels with the Recall labels.

To use Avery 5160 labels:

·        Click Maintenance in the Reports toolbar, and then click Preferences.

·        Click the Print Options tab, select Use Avery 5160 Mailing Labels, and then click OK


·        The Due Date indicates the patient’s recall due date.

·        Nothing in the Appt? column indicates that the patient has no appointment in the system. A date in this column indicates the patient has an appointment attached to the recall type.

·        A plus sign (+) in the Appt? column indicates that the patient has an appointment scheduled, but it is not attached to the recall type.