Creating electronic prescriptions
Using the ePrescribe web service, you can create and send prescriptions electronically to your patients' pharmacies. Creating and sending prescriptions electronically is simpler than using a script pad and provides you with instant checks on drug interactions, dosage levels, and patient-specific factors including prior adverse reactions. Creating prescriptions electronically protects patient information through privacy and security measures including prescriber authentication.
Note: To use the ePrescribe web service, you must first enable secure password protection in Easy Dental and then register for, activate, and set up an administrator for ePrescribe. To learn more about creating electronic prescriptions, click, and then click Physician to view any of several tutorials on using ePrescribe.
To create an electronic prescription
1. From any Easy Dental module (except Reports or Schedule), select a patient.
2. In the Easy Dental toolbar, click Prescriptions.
The Prescriptions window appears.
3. Click Electronic Rx.
Your ePrescribe license is validated, and site, user, and patient data are uploaded. The ePrescription window appears.
Note: You cannot change patients in ePrescribe.