Easy Dental

The data chart

You use the data chart to input and display all periodontal data relevant to the current perio exam. The text column that extends down the left side of the data chart indicates the measurement type that will be listed in the corresponding row.

The following list contains explanations of the abbreviations used in the data chart:

·        T# (Tooth Number) - Indicates the tooth number that the displayed information belongs to.

·        PD (Probing Depth) - Indicates the depth of the periodontal pocket in millimeters.

·        Bld (Bleeding) - A red oval in this row indicates a bleeding point.

·        Sup (Suppuration) - A yellow oval indicates suppuration (infection) at that site.

·        GM (Gingival Margin) - Indicates the gingival margin (recession) measurement in millimeters.

·        CAL (Clinical Attachment Level) - Indicates the CAL measurement in millimeters.

·        MG (Mucogingival Junction) - Indicates the MGJ measurement in millimeters.

·        FG (Furcation Grade) - Indicates the furcation involvement for the tooth.

·        TC (Tooth Code) - Indicates special conditions relevant to the tooth. Conditions may include the following: C for crown, P for pontic, I for implant, U for unerupted, M for missing, ID for impacted distal, or IM for impacted mesial.

·        PMB (Plaque, Mobility, and Bone Loss) - Indicates plaque, mobility, and bone loss measurements specific to the tooth.

The shading within the data chart has special significance. Yellow areas represent measurements taken from the lingual side of the tooth. Blue areas represent measurements taken from the facial (buccal) side of the tooth. White areas represent measurements that correspond to the tooth in general. Within the yellow and blue areas, Easy Dental allows you to input six measurements (three on the facial side and three on the lingual side) for each tooth.