Easy Dental

Entering perio data by using the keyboard

Below is a list of keyboard commands that you can use if you prefer the keyboard over the mouse or light pen.

·        Numeric Key Pad - Press the Num Lock key. Functions the same as the number buttons in the Perio Chart window.

·        Number Keys - Work the same as the number buttons in the Perio Chart window.

·        Page Up - Press to rewind the script setting to a previous tooth.

·        Page Down - Press to advance to the next tooth in the script.

·        Home - Press to return to the first tooth in the script.

·        Del - Press to clear all entries in the current selection.

·        Arrow Keys - Press to navigate the Probing Depth, Bleeding/Suppuration, Gingival Margin, Clinical Att. Level, and MGJ fields.

·        Asterisk (*) - Press to toggle between the two surfaces of the selected tooth.

·        Enter - Press to advance the selection through the current path and script settings.